Small CPU card
This board has next characteristics:
CPU: 8031, 8032
Serial prom: 93C06, 93C46. Without PROM gain additional 4 I / O lines
Display: 8 seven segmentnih LED number (common anode)
Keyboards: 8 key
Free I / O lines: 5
Additional 3 I / O lines can multiplexed will use with serial PROM (all but CS of 93C06)
Are implemented outer watchdog
Possibility expansion keyboards (8 * 8 matrix), input and output across additional shift register
EPROM: 16 / 32K
RAM: possibly add 2,8,32,64K,zero power RAM 2K / 8K / 32K. Without RAM get yet two I / O lines
On the basis of this schemes make CPU board for:
Counter editions with additional local counter
Batching plant (up to 99 litare, resolutions 0.1 litre, with thermometer)
Timer for leased playing consoles - controls 4 device